9. The work of the Holy Spirit (1) |
The work of the Holy Spirit (2) |
The work of the Holy Spirit (3) |
10. The sound of the ghost |
11. The voice of a whispering
ghost |
13. Christian prayer appearance |
15. Christian's evangelism |
16. How to discern the spirit |
17. The guidance of the Holy
Spirit |
19. How evil spirits come
to Christians |
22. People without conscience |
23. Steps of the servant of devil |
24. Those who are with The
Holy Spirit |
25. Reasons to be filled with
the Holy Spirit |
26. Fasting prayer attitude |
27. Why are you praying all
night? |
28. Ordination prayer and
Ordination |
31. Attitude of preaching |
32. Attitudes of the preacher |
33. Visit and other Preaching |
34. What happens when a
Christian lacks prayer |
36. Who is a pastor's fit? |